CTM is ready to listen to, accept and record suggestions, complaints or reports of disservices.

Complaints and suggestions are tools we treasure to improve the quality of the service and timely identify critical issues.

To send a complaint, a request for information or a positive feedback, just click on the "Send a Message" button: enter the personal data, select a category and describe what happened in detail. Some of the fields are mandatory to enable us to investigate what happened in depth.

Passengers with disabilities can submit the complaint through a dedicated channel by calling 070/2091200, operating Monday to Thursday 9:00am-1:00pm and 2:30pm-5:00pm, and Friday 9:00am-1:00pm.

Complaints must be submitted within three months from the date on which the regular service was performed or should have been performed. All requests will be handled within the timeframes laid down by our Mobility Card, within a maximum of 30 days and in full compliance with privacy laws.

If the deadline of 30 days from transmission of the complaint to CTM Spa has expired in vain, the passengers, also through associations representing their interests, are entitled to submit a second instance complaint to the Transport Regulatory Authority, using the Online Complaint Acquisition System (SiTe), accessible from the www.autorita-trasporti.it website, alternatively, sending the relevant “Complaint form”, available on the same Internet website of ART, to one of the following addresses:
registered mail: Transport Regulatory Authority, Via Nizza 230, 10126 Turin;
certified email: pec@pec.autorita-trasporti.it;
ordinary email: reclami.bus@autorita-trasporti.it.


What cannot be done through this platform:

> Request the cancellation of a penalty

A request for cancellation of a penalty is done by filling in this form and sending it by certified email to ctmspa@legalmail.it, or by registered mail or hand-delivered to CTM S.p.A Viale Trieste 159/3 – 09123 Cagliari.

> Send a Curriculum Vitae.

To apply, you can consult vacant positions here

> Request compensation for damage or an accident (accident between vehicles, falls on board)

Requests must be sent by certified email to ctmspa@legalmail.it or by registered mail or hand-delivered to CTM S.p.A Viale Trieste 159/3 – 09123 Cagliari.